Dental Preceptorships

Dentist and patient review a dental hygiene pamphlet while woman looks on.

Dental Preceptorship Program

A Choptank Community Health System Dental Preceptorship offers a dynamic, integrated, hands-on approach to family and community health care.

Choptank Health’s Preceptees enjoy strong communities and dedicated faculty and staff that create a meaningful and rewarding experience for you on Maryland's beautiful Eastern Shore

Choptank Community Health System is a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) serving Caroline, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne’s, and Talbot counties.

Program Contacts:

Tumouh Al-Allaq, DDS,
Staff Dentist and AEGD Residency and Preceptorship Program Director

Tammy Osborn
Program Coordinator and Credentialing Specialist
Phone: 410-479-8345, ext. 5020

The dental preceptorship program at Choptank Community Health System (CCHS) is designed for U.S. or internationally-trained dentists who wish to gain a DMD, DDS or specialized postgraduate training at one of the premier dental schools in the country.

The program familiarizes participants with predoctoral clinical and didactic education and the U.S. group practice structure while simultaneously providing the information and skills participants need to further their dental education.

Our AEGD program at CCHS is part of the NYU Langone Dental Medicine residency training program. The program offers a wide range of academic and clinical interactions between the preceptees and the AEGD residents. 

The preceptorship program is under the leadership and direction of Dr. Tumouh Al-Allaq who has guided several international dentists for their successful acceptance into DDS or DMD programs. Dr. Al-Allaq works closely with each preceptee and is involved in their application/ interview preparation process for DDS or DMD programs.

Program Design/Objective:

Preceptees engage in didactic courses, seminars, hands on workshops and conferences, carry out independent research, and are exposed to comprehensive dental instruction through an intensive observership experience. Participants are involved in all phases of the didactic program, including CE courses and other educational opportunities. Preceptees will only be allowed to observe clinical procedures, however, direct patient care is not allowed.

Upon completion of the program requirements, such as case presentations, literature reviews, and possible research projects, the preceptee is awarded a Certificate of Completion.

Qualified dentists are welcome to apply for a 3,6 or 12-months preceptorships in AEGD, Pediatrics or a combination of both.

Program Eligibility:

Candidates for admission must be:

- Qualified graduates in dentistry (D.D.S., D.M.D, B.D.S or non-U.S. equivalent) prior to matriculation.
- Proficient in English, spoken and written.
-Valid visa status, as program does not issue one.

Program Schedule and Rotations:

-This program is full-time (Monday through Friday: 8:30 a.m.- 5 p.m.).
-Preceptees have the option to do additional rotations besides AEGD and Pediatrics such as:

-Oral Surgery
-Orthodontic-off site in private office
-Endodontic -off site in private office
-Geriatric Dentistry
-Oro Facial Pain and TMJ
-AEGD Regional Day Lectures and Seminars
-Family Medicine
-Operating room (OR) with CCHS pediatric team

Application Requirements:

➢ Completed Application

➢ $250 application nonrefundable processing fee which can be paid by:

o A personal check or
o Credit card if presented in person or
o Certified bank cashier check

*Make checks payable to: Choptank Community Health System Inc*

*Mail checks to: Tammy Osborn
Choptank Community Health System Inc.
301 Randolph St., Denton MD 21629

(This fee will be applied to the total cost of the program if applicant is accepted)

➢ Curriculum vitae
➢ An official dental education transcript or dental diploma in English
➢ Two letters of recommendation
➢ Zoom interview with Dr. Al-Allaq, Program Director

Tuition and Fees:
Tuition is to be paid in full on the day of orientation. Tuition is nonrefundable if decided to end the program early.

- 3 months: $6,000
- 6 months: $10,000
- 12 months: $17,000

Days Off:

Preceptees are allowed certain days off while enrolled in the program, depending on the length of enrollment. They are permitted time off whenever Choptank is closed on holidays. If days off exceeds allowed time, then days need to be made up prior to graduation. All days off need to be approved by the program director, Dr. Al-Allaq.

Allowed days off as follows:

3-month program: 5 days off
6-month program: 10 days off
12-month program: 20 days off

Stipend and Benefits:

No stipend, nor benefits are offered.

Health Insurance:

Preceptees are responsible for having their own health insurance and Choptank will not provide one during program enrollment.

Dress Code:

-Preceptees are responsible for purchasing their own scrubs from a list provided at time of orientation by program director.
-All enrolled preceptees need to wear ceil blue scrubs top and bottom.
-All footwear must always be closed toe.
-ID to be attached to scrub and visible all times.


-Candidates will receive a Certificate of Completion from Choptank Community Health upon fulfillment of program requirements.

Standards of Conduct

Because everyone may not have the same idea about proper workplace conduct, it is helpful to adopt and enforce rules all can follow. Unacceptable conduct may result in the preceptee’s termination from the program without a fee refund. The following are examples of some, but not all, conduct that may be considered unacceptable:

1. Obtaining preceptorship on the basis of false or misleading information.
2. Stealing, removing, damaging, or defacing CCHS property or property or any other individual.
3. Violation of HIPAA, privacy, or confidentiality rules or policies.
4. Violation of safety rules or policies.
5. Violation of CCHS's Drug and Alcohol-Free Workplace Policy
6. Fighting, threatening or disrupting the work of others
7. Irregular attendance, habitual lateness or early departures, unexcused absences
8. Gambling on Company property
9. Wasting work materials

Preceptees are not considered employees of the CCHS for any purpose, and shall not be compensated in any way, nor be entitled to any benefits CCHS gives its employees, including, but not limited to worker's compensation insurance.