Community Liaisons

Supporting Wellness and Health

Choptank Community Health provides liaisons to our patients in order to provide additional support and guidance throughout the healthcare process, both in our facilities and in your daily life.

Community Support Specialists

The CSS can assist patients with:

  • Medical Assistance application

  • Connections with pharmacy services

  • Connections with energy assistance, cash assistance and food stamp programs

  • Referrals to Community Health Workers

Your Community Support Specialists have also had special training to help you understand how to overcome some of the difficulties in managing chronic   diseases such as Diabetes and High Blood Pressure in your everyday life.

Care Coordination Nurses 

Our Care Coordination Nurses review trends in care and assist medical providers and patients in navigating the complex system of health care. This includes hospital and ER follow-up as well as ensuring patients with chronic diseases are provided with support to follow their individualized plan of care.

Dental Case Management 

Choptank Health Provides Dental Case Management in order to to track high risk patients to ensure they have timely access to quality dental care. Our Dental Case Manager contacts patients who have been identified as high risk through our school based program, dental and medical programs to identify any barriers that may exist that would prevent the patient from following through with necessary dental care.

Panel Management 

Our Panel Management process reviews patient rosters from Managed Care Organizations (MCO) who are due for select services such as well visits, cancer screenings and immunizations. Patients are contacted and scheduled for appointments and coordination with the patients’ MCO ensures patients receive care they need to remain healthy.